Navigating the seas of change


As we navigate the wild seas of change, we are being called to strengthen our resilience and prepare for a journey into the unknown. This is a collective venture. You are not alone.

I’m sharing some resources that I’ve found useful below. I hope that they support you too.


Tara Brach - A vast collection of wisdom teachings and meditations from one of the most compassionate and wise teachers there is.

Growing the Planthropocene For the Wild Podcast with Dr Natasha Myers

Roots of Healing Charles Eisenstein and Mellody Hayes

Shelter for the Heart and Mind On Being with Krista Tippet and Sharon Salzberg


Gahl Sasoon Weekly Check Up

Pam Gregory


Wim Hof Breathing & Cold Swimming (or showers) - Making me meet my resistance in GIANT ways!

Andean Cosmovision Nature Meditations - our connection to nature is key to our wellbeing. These simple practices can have a profound impact on mood and outlook.

Restorative Yoga - 1 or 2 posed for 20 - 30 minutes every day. Some of favourites are Vaparita Kirani (legs up the Wall), Downward Facing Savasana and Supported Supta Bada Konasana (see individual posts - coming soon). II’m not the type of teacher to record videos but you are welcome to take your first restorative class with me for free. My online schedule is here

Floor Doctor - Simply lie on the floor and feel your body breathing. Stay as long as you need to.

Movement: Daily movement is crucial to our health. Taking my body through it’s full range of movement (however resistant it feels) with yoga, Pilates and walks in Nature work for me. I’m not the type of teacher who likes recording videos but my friend, & Shanti Sundays ambassador, Naomi Annand has short practices on You Tube and Instagram. She also has a beautiful book: Yoga: A Manual for Life with sequences to practice at home laced with her gentle wisdom.


My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem

Active Hope - How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy - Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone


The Intuitive Way to Wellness Avni Touch

Tracey Ellis